The rolling stock used
on the RC&G consists mostly of the early Bachmann 1/22.5
scale cars with some 1/24 Aristo Delton Classics and couple of
other brands in 1/24 scale. My initial concept was to add more
detail to these cars replacing the rubbery grab irons and
truss rods with metal items and other details. As I gained
more experience with operating in the great outdoors it became
apparent that with all the additional handling and occasional
derailments that additional details only created more
maintenance and the rubbery parts were more durable than cast
parts or scale sized metal parts. As a result I have settled
on what others have called operational quality cars. This
means few extra delicate detail parts and little to no under
body details beyond what the cars came with from the factory.
That said I do make some changes to nearly all of the cars in
the fleet. Almost all of the Bachmann cars came from the early
days when all equipment was meant to operate on two foot radius
curves. As such the trucks were inset to reduce the overhang on
curves and the couplers were talgo style, mounted to the trucks.
To me this made the cars look a bit odd so all of the Bachmann
cars have the trucks moved out towards the ends of the cars,
typically about 1/2 inch. The Bachmann trucks get replaced with
Delton style trucks which are sprung and equalized and are
equipped with Bachmann 24 mm metal wheel sets. These are close
to the 24 inch wheels that The EBT used on most of their rolling
stock. I think it gives the cars a more hunkered down look
typical of many narrow gauge cars. Most cars get some additional
weight added as I like to have most cars weighing in at
something close to one pound.The cars are also equipped with the
gauge 1 size Kaydee couplers that are body mounted. In most
cases other than repainting and/or re lettering if required that
is the extent for most of the rolling stock. Certain cars will
receive addition modifications and these will be discussed in
the section for the individual type cars.
The cars will be listed in the order of the RC&G
numbering system and you can go to the individual pages by
clicking on the thumbnail of the car type. Note: some cars do
not have pages yet so there will be no link from their
Maintenance of Way
Passenger Cars
Flat Cars
Box Cars
Tank Cars
Stock Cars