C & G
Not much to be
said about RC&G's Porter # 2, Model is a stock Bachmann lettered for
the RC&G, in the photo below, the car trailing the engine is the
parasite car for the battery and receiver. # 2 is currently assigned to
work train detail. It was found to be a bit slippery on the RC&G's
grades and additional 2 pounds of weight was added by casting some lead
weights that completely fill the two side tanks.

After other
locomotives were brought on line # 2 was was side lined and collected
dust for most of the last 20 years. When I completed the dual gauge
interchange I realized that unless I could equip my standard gauge
switcher with functioning dual couplers on both ends I would run into
situations where I needed to move narrow gauge cars in order to spot of
move standard gauge cars. At that point I decided to make #2 a dedicated
narrow gauge switcher for the interchange. I had long since removed the
gondola's battery and receiver for use elsewhere and I wanted something
shorter anyway. After checking out and lubricating the engine I decided
to upgrade it a bit. The next photo shows #2 before I started.

- As you can see it was still
equipped with the 'G' scale Kadee coupler and mounting the #1 gauge
Kadee was going to require some modification. While I was mulling that
over I decided to add some detail to the valve gear. As it came from
the factory the valve gear actuator rod goes now where. I removed the
supplied rod and replaced it with a piece of brass rod. I then
fabricated a couple of actuator levers from brass rod and styrene and
mounted them to holes drilled in the side frame. They are just static
but and a little more detail.
decided that I would fabricate a new from Pilot from brass bar and other
shapes to which I could add a Kadee end beam coupler. I also milled a
piece of aluminum which helped strengthen the plastic tongue supporting
the pilot. The end result is shown below.
also decided it needed a back up light so one was added to the roof.
also added pop valves and a whistle to the steam dome and a generator.
next photo shows the rear mounted coupler and holes drilled for the male
pins of an interconnecting cable between the engine and its battery car.
On pin has already been installed.
next three photos show it all painted up and ready for service.
locomotive needs a battery car as the side tanks are full of weight and
there was precious other room for even a radio receiver let alone a
battery. Since it's regular assignment was to be at the dual gauge
interchange and there was little there in the way for crew comfort I
decided to make the battery car a crew car. I wanted to have a short car
so as to give it maximum flexibility moving cars around on crowded
track-age. In the end I decided to use one of the RC&G's first
cabooses. Number 951 was a four wheel Bobber caboose from Bachmann.
Crews found it rough riding for main line use so it was good candidate
for a crew car.
the years the roof had begun to deteriorate so another reason for it's
choice as a crew car.
cupola was removed and the old roofing material stripped off. A new
styrene roof was laminated on and a tool box added under the floor to
house the power switch and charging jack.
battery, receiver and speaker were located inside. The Receiver is one
of the newer REVO boards that includes sound. While it's not all that
great quality wise I found it was more than adequate for this
application. The wooden box is the speaker enclosure.
a view from the other side.
the completed car with roof walk, stack, and all the details in place
ready for service.
Updated 2/28/19