R C & G
18 is based on a
locomotive that was proposed to the ET&WCN Railroad by the
Baldwin Locomotive Works. When Bachmann released their logging tank
style Mallet the gears meshed in my head and I decided to buy one
with the thought of using the drive train to create my version of
what this locomotive might have looked like if it had been built.
The proposal sheet is shown below.
though the locomotive was in 1/20.3 scale I found that the driver
spacing was nearly a dead on match for the above proposal if done in
1/24 scale. I was hooked. Of interest, to me at least, was that the
above proposal is labeled as a Mallet but is a simple articulated,
perhaps to keep the price low or possibly that experience had show that
the saving gained by reusing the steam in a Mallet wasn't worth the
additional cost and complication of the design. In any case not wanting
to remake the front cylinders on the Bachmann locomotive I'm making my
version a true Mallet type.
boiler and cab would not be usable due to the larger scale. My plan is
to use a piece of PVC pipe for the boiler and a cab from a Bachmann
4-6-0 to provide a family resemblance. I will also be using a 4-6-0
tender with some modifications. There will be a lot of modifications to
the pilot to reduce its size somewhat. Bachmann in their infinite wisdom
deviated from the way Mallet locomotive are built and made both engines
pivot around their center point. In normal Mallets the rear engine is
rigidly mounted to the boiler and the front engine frame pivots to allow
it to take curves better. I have to assume their choice was based on
getting the locomotive to take commonly used curves without excessive
boiler overhang. In any event I want the the rear engine fixed.
Interestingly enough a pivot point was cast at the rear of the front
engine's frame as if they intended originally to go that route so it was
fairly easy to make it work the way the real thing did.
to Bachmann's reputation I had issues with the locomotive right out of
the box. When I test ran the locomotive on test rollers it ran fine in
the forward direction but when I tried reverse the motor for rear engine
popped right up out of the frame. Examination found both motor mounting
screws loose and one had dropped down into the gear box and was a real
pain to retrieve.
I had the frame modifications done I wanted to test it to make sure I
wasn't going to have tracking problems. I temporarily wired the two
motors together and powered it from the tender from #12. A few cars were
coupled on and I ran the bare bones frame around the layout looking for
problems or clearance issues. none were found.
boiler was made from a piece of PVC pipe and modified to fit over the
vertical motors. In the next photo it is shown sitting on the frame to
provide an idea haw it will look when done.
a lot of work to be done but it will be mostly scratch building, it's
nice that the mechanism is for all intents and purposes is done.
Updated 3/4/19