WIP 2019
Well, once it stopped raining and we
had a few days for things to dry out, the priority for this year was
getting the yard at Buck's landing installed. This ended up requiring
a bit more digging than I had hoped, it just so happened that the
north end of the yard was situated on a high spot in the area. The
first two photos will give an example of just how much needed to
excavated. At this point between 2" and 3" of crushed limestone has
been placed and leveled.
the deepest point before the gravel was added the depth was about 10"
that done the first half of the yard was set in place and leveled. Once
I was satisfied with that the second half was hauled out and attached to
the first half. That done the balance of the track work was installed.
view from the other end.
of the soil removed was used to filling in around the mainline coming
into Paiute Junction. More retaining wall must be built before that can
terra-forming has been done around the north end of the yard where the
dig was the deepest and where the mainline will come into the yard and
back filling with more crushed limestone has commenced.
that wasn't suitable for the area of the mainline was used to start
filling in around Paiute Junction.
step was to install the trackage for the return loop. I can't start on
the main from Paiute Junction to Bucks Landing until I'm certain I have
moved in any and all heavy landscape items as once the main is in access
to this area will require crossing the main line. The photo below shows
the return loop installed. Some odds and ends of left over stepping
stones and other cement products were placed to begin a view block to
hide part of the loop. The small building in the foreground contains the
electrics and electronics for the automatic loop switch control.
view of the loop.
next photo shows the boxed in area that will become the main water
feature which will represent the barge load out and packet landing on
the Ohio River.
next photo show the mainline has been constructed from the yard heading
towards Paiute Junction. Again I had to do a fair amount of excavating
to minimize the grade as it left the yard. From the yard to the end of
the first curve the grade is a pretty steady 4%. The photo makes it
appear as if the grade continues from there but it's an optical illusion
as the ground slopes away, the section of track from the end of the
first 180ยบ curve to the next is almost level. The bridge in the
foreground was removed to allow wheelbarrow access. A piece of plywood
was place across the main to cross it.
bit closer image of the same area.
didn't take any additional in progress photos, the balance shown here
were taken after the main was finished, the high bridge installed, more
retaining walls were built and six cubic yards of topsoil were used to
back fill the area.
spite of the rainy start to the work season my goal of finishing the
mainline was at last accomplished thanks to a warmer than normal fall.
Still lots to do, the track work for barge load out and the packet
landing still needs to be installed as does the branch to the Paiute
Lumber company. Still lots of landscaping to be done including building
Raccoon Creek. Due to the amount of time finishing all of this,
maintenance was deferred in a number areas and that will need to be done
next season as well. The only maintenance to speak was the replacement
of the caboose track in the yard at Summit. The ties had pretty much
seen their better days as shown below.
an after photo.
rails were taken up along with the original PT plywood roadbed and the
rails receive new plastic ties. The section was then just floated for
now. At some point the entire yard at Summit will need to be rebuilt and
I want to add some additional track work as well. whether that happens
in the coming year depends on how quickly I can finish up the end of the
line projects.
shown above was the golden spike ceremony that was held at the point
where the last section of track was installed. Some photos of that
golden spike was driven into a special tie made of black walnut.
true Promontory Point style two engines were pulled up to the location .
after the spike was driven home the locomotives joined couplers. Note
that a pesky coon managed to get in the photo.
couple of aerial views to put the location in context.
the ceremony some of the dignitaries that attended wanted their photos
taken next to the presidents car which had been spotted over the tie
with the spike. Shown below are Slim and Stumpy representing the
maintenance and operation departments.
Stan and Ollie representing the board of directors.